

What is Self-Talk & Why is it Important? With Shelley Bosworth

When you think about how you talk to yourself, are you talking to yourself as you would a friend?

Or are you super critical of every single step you take and every single move you make when it comes to being yourself or being in business?

I recently spoke with my friend, Shelley Bosworth, on The Social Brain Podcast about the way we talk to ourselves, why self-talk awareness is important, and the strategies to turn negative speak into positive self-talk so you can push forward with your goals.…

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How to tackle comparisonitis on social media

Does social media ever make you feel a little bit… down?

You might be suffering from comparisonitis, my friend.

And you’re not alone.

With one pandemic (seemingly) under control, another has bubbled up from the depths of digital society. Comparisonitis is a widespread issue that manifests itself in negative thoughts. Since lockdowns hit the world, people have been turning their eyes to social media for entertainment and guidance. The positive? Escapism and connection. The negative? Comparison…

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