

"How do you come up with never-ending content ideas for Instagram?"

Do you ever feel like you’re running out of content?

Do you struggle to come up with content ideas that pack a punch with your audience?

Get ready for my top tips for never-ending Instagram content that lands.

I get this question a lot: “Frances, how do you never run out of content ideas?!”.

As a social media manager, it’s important for me to practice what I preach. This means posting consistently, coming up with engaging content and sharing the stuff that gets my audience nodding their head…

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I’m still buzzing after my first in-person InstaBrains workshop!

It might have been more than two weeks ago now… but I’m still feeling ALL the feels after delivering my very first InstaBrains workshop at CREATE Business Hub in Shenfield on 26th and 27th April.

A group of five fabulous marketers and business owners joined me for top tips on all things Insta. During the two-day session, these lucky attendees learned how to:

  • Build a killer Instagram strategy

Together, we dissected what each guest wanted to achieve with their business, and helped them expl…

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Getting Started with Digital Ads with Sarah Murdoch

Is it time for you to supercharge your social media marketing?

Digital advertising is a great way to enhance your marketing efforts, but when is the right time to commit to it?

How much should you spend on Facebook Ads?

And how long do you need to test things for?

I recently spoke with my friend Sarah Murdoch on The Social Brain Podcast to discuss why, when and how to get started with digital ads.

Prefer to listen to the audio version of our conversation? Go here.

A few years ago, there wa…

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Are you ready to up your Instagram game this year?

There’s been lots of talk recently of Instagram’s declining engagement rates.

And while I can’t deny that I have seen less interaction on this platform than usual recently, I definitely don’t think now is the right time to jump ship and let all the hard work you’ve put into building your following here go to waste.

In fact, I think Instagram can still be extremely valuable for businesses.


Well, firstly, Instagram has 2 billion monthly active users – and it is still growing!

Plus, it’s …

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Everything You Need to Know About Personal Brand Photography with Amanda Hall

Do you show your face enough for your business?

Are you confident being your authentic self online?

Do you struggle with being visible as a product-based business?

Professional personal brand photography can help you show up on social media with confidence and authenticity so you can build the know, like, trust factor within your community.

I recently spoke with my friend Amanda Hall on The Social Brain Podcast to discuss everything you need to know when it comes to preparing for, and gettin…

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Stand Out on Socials with a Personal Brand with Ella Orr

Do you know what a small business owner’s secret weapon is??

Personal. Branding.

I recently spoke with my friend Ella Orr on The Social Brain Podcast to discuss what personal branding actually is, along with a few simple ways that you can inject your own personality into your content.

Prefer to listen to the audio version of our conversation? Go here. 

Personal branding is something that we’ve seen a lot more of since 2020. We’ve started to see more companies show their personality online an…

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How to Feel Confident in Front of the Camera

Do you struggle showing your face on socials?

Lack confidence in front of the camera?

Do you feel self-conscious showing the world the real ‘you’?

You’re not alone, my friend.

But when adding a photo of your face can see a 33% increase in engagement on your posts, it’s time to face your fears and finally feel confident on camera.

I recently spoke with my friend Julian Knopf on The Social Brain Podcast to discuss his top tips for feeling confident in front of the camera so you can show up on…

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Create a Winning Content Strategy to Boost Your Sales on Socials

(Want to listen to this blog post instead? Check out Episode 7 of The Social Brain podcast.)

Does creating a content strategy for social media leave your head in a spin?!

So many business owners post on social media without having a clear content plan, which can lead them to not get the results they want (and deserve!).

When you’ve got a well thought out content strategy in place, you’re likely to see an increase in followers, engagement and most importantly, SALES!

If you follow me on Insta…

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Facebook vs LinkedIn: is it time to shift your focus?

Got the Facebook FOMO? You’re not alone.

There’s kind of an expectation that, as a small business owner, we need to be across as many social media platforms as possible if we want to get enough exposure to drive our ventures forward. And for some reason, Facebook still seems to be the default option for many entrepreneurs, even if it’s not necessarily delivering great results in terms of audience reach and engagement.

Maybe it’s because it’s familiar; most of us have been running our own Faceb…

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The Pros and Cons of Going Viral on Social Media with Laura Jane

(Want to listen to this blog post instead? Check out Episode 6 of The Social Brain podcast.)

Have you ever googled “how to go viral on social media”?

Would you love your reels to hit millions of views?

Do you dream of social media fame?

After listening to this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, you might just change your mind….

I recently spoke with my friend Laura Jane on The Social Brain Podcast to discuss what it’s *really* like to go viral on social media after an audio Laura created …

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